Friday, April 27, 2012
Tom Bishop Show Chicago 2012
I didn't buy very much at the show in Chicago this year. I did order several things, it may be six months before I see them though.
I brought home a candlestick made by Scott Hughes. I asked Scott if he would custom make two lamps for two beautiful glass shades Frank Whittemore blew for me many years ago. I still have 12 or more of Frank's shades I want to do something with.
From Gerd Felka some more wine glasses and another decanter.
I fell in love with a Blue Jay sitting on a ('chipped, rusting, metal') bowl of peaches made by Mary McGrath. I thought it would be fun to have it sitting on an open window in the kitchen over the sink. You may not be able to see that the Blue Jay has pecked into one of the peaches. I tried very hard to photograph it with very little success I'm afraid. It is just one of those pieces you have to see in person.
I also got a gorgeous working clock for the kitchen made by Malcolm Hall. I love his work.
I was very pleased to find lots of supplies I needed. Several tools and paper thin leather.