Saturday, June 30, 2012

Name The Nutshell Cottage To Win. Have Fun!

The above photos are bigger than the actual size.

I would like to thank all of you who follow Kilmouski & Me. Particularly all the new Followers and those of you who contribute so often here.

If you wish to enter the nutshell house Give Away you must be one of my 594 Followers.

I have named all the nut shell cottages/houses I have made so far. There was Twigs & Berries, Nutty Crest and Sparrow Hop. Now it is your turn. Please name the cottage when you leave a comment here if you wish to enter. Just a bit of fun to make things interesting. Also, it will let me know who is just leaving a comment verses the people who want to enter.

I will use the random number generator to select a winner on July 08, 2012 and announce the name of the nutshell cottage and the winner. Good Luck!

This cottage has a huge bay window in the back. For star gazing I presume.


  1. It's delicious! And really want to win, because on this day is my birthday!

  2. Please name the Nutshell Cottage when you enter. :-))

  3. Hola Catalina
    Tus casitas son siempre tan especiales.
    Me encanto la 1º con sus bayas y esa nuez haciendo de casita
    Las siguientes tambien son preciosas, incluso le pusiste un piso arriba.
    Y en esta ultima, has hecho un fantastico trabajo.
    Eres una gran artesana que hace de la naturaleza verdaderas obras de arte, enhorabuena.
    besitos ascension

  4. Hi Catherine! What a wonderful give away! I love the name "Flower Power" for this special cottage! Its so lovely to see with all those colorful flowers!
    Greetings, Ilona

  5. Marvelous!!! I'd name it Nuttingham Cottage! :D

  6. Hola Catalina
    El nombre de la casa Cascara de Nuez Cotted.
    Espero haberlo hecho bien, muchas gracias.
    besitos ascension

  7. Hi Catherine! I love your blog and your adorable acorn cottage. I'd call it Star Gazer Cottage or Mossy Nook Cottage or Springtime Cottage. I'll go post your giveaway on my blog's sidebar now! Thanks for the opportunity! xo Jennifer

  8. I would name it "At Arden's Red Door" because even mini people needs to be pampered from time to time.
    Thank you for this chance, it is awesome! Rosanna

  9. Hi Catherine,
    I remember your tiny houses, I really like these.
    This house "Ivy Cottage" is cute,
    please, count me in your Giveaway.

  10. It's so beautiful! Such fun! A-Corny Place! LOL!

  11. I wish to enter. Flower nut's cottage.

  12. Actually, I think that you already named it. "Star Gazer's Cottage" would be a perfect name. Does it count if I enter that name? I hope so. It is really beautiful!!!I have been following you for a few years now and enjoy every minute of your blog!

  13. Yes you can Casey. No worries if you choose the same name as someone else has. XXX

  14. Hello Catherine,
    Absolutely beautiful "Nut House"! Please allow me to participate, and my name for this one is "Acorn Observatory". Oh well......I'm not great with titles but would still be delighted with this lovely piece!
    Thank you for giving us the chance to win it.
    Warm regards,

  15. awww this si just tooo cute!! i will name it the "The Oaks Acorn Hut" LOL it's so sweet!

  16. The cottage is very beautiful.Its so sweet I would love to win. I name it " Oaktree Nook !
    Hugs Maria

  17. Is very nice....the name
    Can be " the winD

  18. I would name it Posy Cottage, and I would love it dearly. Thank you for the chance to win.

  19. Absolutely adorable!
    I would call the cottage " A-corner" with a View.
    I love all your amazing work Catherine!


  20. I would like to participate in the raffle.
    'Firefly's Wish Cottage' is the name of the nutshell cottage.
    (The firefly wishes to live in this house, to view the sky through the big window and find its great love) ;)

  21. Amazing work! It's a little jewel!

  22. Darling...darling...darling....

    Would love to be a part of the raffle...

    *The Nosegay* or *Tussie Mussie Hollow*

  23. Stunning tiny! Hanging Out Cottage...
    Please count me in. I'll put your link on my blog. Hugs, Drora

  24. Thank you for the change to win this endearing tiny cottage: "Acorn crumble tea-room'

    I'll link it on my blog
    La Belle Brigante

  25. What a fun!! I would name "Rainbow home" because the flowers so colorful...

    Thanks so much for organizing this lovely giveaway, and good luck eveybody!!!

  26. Love the cottage, the flowers reminds me of all the wonderful Lupins I saw growing wild next to the road on my way to Castine (here you have to plant them and take really good care of them) so I am going to call it "Lupin Cottage".

  27. Hello!
    You are making wonderful houses!
    I would name this beatiful house "little dream".
    Please, count me in.

  28. Very nice house. My name: "Sweet nutshell Cottage".
    I put the link on my blog.
    Bye Faby

  29. Great giveaway Catherine, I would name the little cottage:- Acorn Haven..

  30. Please count me in! My name: "Bellota Cottage"
    Bellota is acorn in spanish :)

  31. Hi! Aaaaah, it is so cute and wonderful again!!! For me it looks like some Miss-Marple-like bug would live in there :-) Bug-shell-cottage
    (I´m following as ManfredBartsch). Happy Sunday and thanks for the chance to win such a wonderful piece of work from you!
    Hugs, Sandra

  32. Ho, elle est trop mignonne cette "maison noisette" .

  33. Your nutshell houses are beautiful!
    I would love to win this one.
    My name for it is Littlecot.

  34. Oh MY !!! You are Giving one away????? I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to be in your giveaway! My first impulse was to call it "La Bijou". But then I thought of Nutshell which made me think of a collection of tiny books I've had since childhood called the "Nutshell Library" all by Maurice Sendak who passed away recently.... So now I think I MUST call it the "Nutshell Library"!
    Thank you so much for the chance to win one of your little gems!!!

  35. Hi Catherine! Beautiful work on this house - tweezers must be mandatory! I would name it "Lupin Lodge". Cheers!

  36. My name for the nutshell is : Sweet dream flower cottage. It's so amazing. Please count me in your wonderful draw. I'll cross my fingers.
    Hugs from Craftland

  37. Hola Catherine!
    Es una casa increíble Ö
    Yo la llamaría: Casita abeja (Bee little house)
    Me anotas por favor?
    Lo anuncio en mi blog.
    Un abrazo
    GRACIAS por no tener palabra de verificación

  38. Hola Catherine, por favor cuenta conmigo para tu fabuloso sorteo sorteo, me encantaría participar, gracias, besitos Ana (mucuy)

  39. Witam, to jest bardzo piękna miniaturka, zostawiłam informacje na moim blogu, pozdrawiam z polski, amandus

  40. ¡Qué maravilla! ,estaré encantada de participar en tu sorte, gracias por esta oportunidad, besos :)

  41. Me gustaría participar en tu sorteo, el regalo es precioso!!
    Te anuncio en mi blog.
    Besos de las Malu´s.

  42. Hi Catherine,
    Your cottage is wonderful! It makes me think to the name: "Rainbow House" :-)


  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. happy blog's day
    "nutshell and stars's windows". hugs

  45. Optimism is the spice of life, so I participate with a hint of hope: it would be really exciting to see up close this masterpiece of patience, imagination and skill, which remind me of my dear friend ...
    I embrace you with affection :-)
    Thanks my dear

  46. Oh, sorry, the name ...
    I thought I would call it "Thumbelina Palace"

  47. ooh what a gorgeous little retreat! I wanna shrink!!! and walk under that sweet little porch and turn the knob on those inviting double red doors. Sweeeeeeeeet :)))) You've done a marvelous job here....

    I was gonna call it something in the region of observatory or something but saw that Ray already beat me :) Cos that star-gazing-bay-window is indeed just awesome. I bet ya there is a telescope set up there! And in this little retreat houses a nutty professor specialized in the universe...?

    You mentioned somewhere one could call it any name, even it has been mentioned before. So i'm gonna go for Nutty's Obeseravatory.

    Who ever will be the lucky person to win this generous and unique give-a-way; I wanna thank you for this opportunity Catherine!

  48. The Star Gazer's Inn

    This house is so adorable and I'd love to be entered :)

  49. I have found it VERY difficult to think of a name.....!!!! But I have finally come up with "Ladybird Manor". A Ladybird landed on me the other day and I was told it would bring me luck?!?!
    Catherine, it is an amazing little 'art work' and a MOST generous give-away.
    Linda x

    ( your lovely neighbor going yo draw this!!!)

  50. Hola, soy una nueva seguidora, me encanta tu blog y me gustaría participar en el sorteo.
    El nombre sería "Gnomo's cottage".
    Espero que te guste.
    Un saludo.

  51. WoW!!! Such wonderful work again!!!
    I would call it 'Hummingbird Cottage' because I wish that all my little 'hummers' could live in such a beautiful, safe, little cottage!!

  52. Me encanta tu precioso sorteo , te anuncio en mi blog y yo lo llamaría Corner of Paradise , un saludo

  53. Too many great entries already to participate in your contest, but I wanted to tell you how adorable the prize is!

  54. I would call it Hyacinth Haven or Nut Shelter or maybe Mini mouse Manor..

    This house is SO adorable and I'd love to be entered (^^)

    Put a link to my blog.

    MiniHugs, Irina

  55. LOVELY! I would call it Bright Haven.
    Such a cheerful little cottage!
    I really enjoy your site.
    I will place this on my sidebar.

  56. It is absolutely GORGEOUS! Fabulous work- I will name it "The Pick-me" hahaha
    Seriously "Miracle Cottage" after my little girl---

  57. This is so beautiful. I would love to participate. I would like to name ' tilongily ' , If i win, i will tell you what it means.grin.

  58. Hi. Your work is amazing! I would love to participate if I could. Your little Nutshell Cottage is so special. I would name it "Brown Breeze Cottage". :)

  59. "Star of the bay" es mi nombre....puedo participar? lo subo a mi blog que también está de sorteo, si te interesa...

  60. Hello! It seems to me like an "oak shell"!! It seems like the oak that "scrat" is hunting all the time at the movie "ice age"!!

  61. Sooo tiny! Love this little house. I would call it the "Gazing Cottage".
    Thanks for counting me in. Jo.

  62. Милый домик!
    Очень хочу его выиграть!
    Посчитай меня, пожалуйста.

  63. Me encantaría participar en tu sorteo, no conocía tu blog y me ha encantado, tus casitas son increíbles, tan chiquitinas y tan perfectas, cruzo los dedos para que me toque ;), yo también estoy de sorteo en mi blog, te invito a participar.

  64. It is so cute your giveaway. Please, count me in. Kisses.

  65. How could I missed this......
    It is corgeous, so beautiful!
    Because off the big windows, you thought it was for star gazing, but I would like to sit in a comfortable chair and daydream, so I would call it
    daydreamer-cottage :-)
    * marlies

  66. It is so beautiful! Can't believe one can make that! I would call it "Secret home" !:)
    Would love to participate!

  67. I am nutz about your nuts !
    Think this might be Stargazer Lodge.

  68. Please enter moi, I've been a long time follower! Thanks ;)

  69. I think it should be named Parsnikity Cove. Please enter me. Thanks. It's so cute.

  70. I think you should name it." Acorn-er cottage". Because of the use of Acorn and corner because of it's shape. :)

  71. Me encantaría participar en el sorteo, gracias.
    Te anuncio en mi blog.

  72. Oh my goodness, this is the sweetest thing I've ever seen. Please include me in your giveaway!

  73. What a wonderful little cottage , I would call it Star Gazy Nook .

    Jill, UK

  74. hermosaaaa!!! es una obra de arte!!! yo la llamaria "camuflaje anti ardillas" jajajajaja

  75. How adorable!! I would call it "The NutTea House"
