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These are a few of the things I bought at the Tom Bishop Show in Chicago. I am thinking about replacing the two armless chairs to match the ones with arms. It didn't matter to me at the time I bought them because they had already sold the matching ones. I really loved the chairs and wanted them for my kitchen. The wood is beautiful. I am not sure you can see that fact in the photos. I am either going to make or buy a farm table to go with them.
The lamp and sconce (by Scott Hughes) I also plan to put in the kitchen with the chandelier I made (seen in a pervious post). I think they will go very well with it.
The spice chest drawers all open and are made of the same wood as are the shelves and chairs. I also bought the coat rack with shelf from them. The table I am sure you recognize. I just bought it for photo shoots. I have no idea if I will ever use it in my dollhouse. I rather doubt it.
There is more but it will have to wait. We are having a gorgeous cool day and I have to get back to planting my garden. I bought six flats of flowers and I have lots of seeds to plant.
All the furniture is from...
Happy Mothers Day Everyone! XXX