I am so thrilled to say... I have received one of Linda's gorgeous rugs and some of her fantastic mail!
Ever since the first time I saw the rugs in Une Petite Folie I have coveted and drooled over them. She has made me one that is perfect with the wall paper I chose to go in the master bedroom of my house. OMG!
Then when she posted pictures of the mail she made I was definitely pea green and close to slobbering on myself!!! There is something about those tiny little letters and post cards that I find totally irresistible. Some of the mail has been opened and has a letter half way out of it. She also made un-opened pieces and sent fresh envelopes and stamps. There are lots of post cards with writing on the back of them from France.
Thank you so very much Linda! You really cannot know how much I dearly love it all. I am so excited about having these perfect miniatures. :-)))))