I had to do some shopping today at Target. It is one of those stores that has everything! Going up and down the aisles suddenly I stopped dead in my tracks. There were these tiny shadowboxes with a hinged door and a magnet closure. They were less than an inch deep. I put two in my basket and continued shopping wondering what in the world I was going to do with them.
When I got home out came the cardboard, paper, scissors and glue. I covered everything in the inside of the box with one of my favorite papers. Then cut cardboard shelves to fit inside the box and covered those with the same paper.
It is so nice not to have all the Stokesay Ware packed away in little boxes. I can have this on my desk for inspiration, safe from dust, loss and curious paws. =^..^=
If you would like to watch a video of Stokesay Ware being made you can see it here. http://www.dollshousefestival.com/video/stokesay-ware.html