I liked the idea of dressing her in silk ribbon because it doesn't need a hem. The silk is thinner than paper. The YLI silk ribbons I have are all white and off white. So I knew I would have to go back to the refrigerator to hunt for dyes. I didn't have any raspberries this week but I had blueberries! I tried to dye her skirt a bit darker then her blouse.
The last thing I did was her hair/. I wrapped her dressed body in aluminum foil so I wouldn't get hair and glue all over her dress. Now I see that holding her too tight didn't do her skirt much good. ARGH! I will try to fix it by wetting it again with hair spray tomorrow, maybe I can fix it.
There won't be a "Take Three"!!!
From now on if I post something that is going to be deleted I will say so at the very beginning of my post. That is a promise. I apologize to everyone. (blush)
I love all of your contributions to my blog. Thank you for all the time you spend here.