Thanks for posting Catherine, I thoroughly enjoyed it! I passed it on to my Husband who loves London history and he enjoyed it as well. So clever and very interesting to read the blog too.
When I see these sorts of houses I can't help thinking of York. A lot of the buildings from the 17c onwards still exist and it's amazing to see. I would love to be able to experience living in those times...but with hot running water and a flushing toilet =0/ Thanks for posting =0)
What a great find, it was a lovely flight there, but it also went a bit too quick for me. I really wanted to see the houses/city better and unfortunately that was not possible, but it is a great video. Thank you for sharing, Catherine!
Cela peut donner de très bonnes idée en miniature mais je trouve les images trop "virtuelles" comme dans un jeu vidéo .Il y a quelques semaines , j'ai regardé un film "Oliver twist" et l'on voyait le vieux Londres et cela donnait de trèssbelles images du vieux Londres avec ses ruelles sales sombres et les maison en colombages. J'espère que tu me comprendras avec ton traducteur .Bonne nuit
It's amazing how virtual reality (and the genius of man) (and imagination) will allow us to travel through time and space. Thanks fro sharing :-) I love it too :-) Flora
Wow, that's amazing, what a talented team! I like the little details of the flies and the falling leaves - and I'm really glad to have been able to see it but not smell it (if you know what I mean!).
I love this little video! and I really like the melodious background music very Celtic sounding! I used to have 'flying' dreams so this arial adventure reminded me of when I have my 'Superpowers' when I'm asleep! :D Love the building details!
Welcome to my blog!
I am artist and a metalsmith. I have always loved miniatures and dollhouses. My interest in making miniatures is not restricted to the metal work I do. This year I plan to design and build a dollhouse.
I do not sell the miniatures I am making right now while I am trying to build my own collection.
Who is Kilmouski? ... He's my cat. And he sits right next to me no matter how many hours I work.
Time for a Project
February 22, 2025
I started a new project, and I thought it might be fun to share how it is
going with you and possibly some of my insights and mistak...
1/48 Scale
Working on a series of 1/48" scale miniature house kits. All are original
designs. This series is designed for advanced miniaturists and will be ...
How I made a 12th scale eggbox
I was lucky enough to be gifted a 3D resin printer for my Birthday last
year. This was primarily to help me design and make 12th scale handles for
the fu...
Easter & Engagement Cakes
I am happy finally I decide to restart a pastry project. It's true I have
been worrying about the fact I did not have so much inspiration and
wondered how ...
Стенд крыльцо. Stand porch.
Здравствуйте дорогие друзья!
Сегодня я покажу стенд для кукол "Крыльцо"
Пенопласт наклеен на ДВП.
Hello dear friends!
Today I'll show "Porch", The Stand For...
little Guinea pig
One day a week in my local newspaper the back of the front section runs
info and pics of a topic. Could be a state, an animal, King Tut, anything.
One d...
Goodbye gallery, hello parlor!
Hello my dearest friends,
I hope you are all doing well. How I have missed your blogs and commenting
on your work, but fatherhood is most wonderfully time...
The kitchen pump...
In the comments of the previous post, several of you mentioned that you
were not familiar with water pumps in kitchens, so I will tell you a little
bit abo...
The third Brocante style vignette
Thanks very much for your encouraging feedback on the first two vignettes,
as promised here's the third and last for the moment. I think the poster
needs ...
More treasures
Hi everyone, well after a short break im back home and carrying on with
making small and unusual treasures for my wunderkammer room.
This piece was another ...
Esattamente 1 anno fa - Exactly 1 year ago
*§ *E' passato 1 anno dall'ultima volta in cui ho scritto su questa pagina.
Un anno colmo di novità, di passione e qualche difficoltà, troppo lungo da
Exciting news!
It doesn't look like much now, but I am super excited because I am about to
move into this studio space as part of the Plymouth Artist Collective! I
Good idea before I post the tutorial.
Bev, one of our 1 inch minis friends sent me a picture of Christmas
ornaments she made this year.
These are personalized with pets and decorated wi...
Colonial Williamsburg Classes
With the much anticipated Maysville Study Program front and center in many
peoples’ minds, the preregistration deadline for the Williamsburg Study
Program ...
My love of wicker continues....
I have long admired the work of miniature artist Lidi Stroud
particular her wonderful French picnic basket (with wine carrier attached).
So yo...
SIMP 2017
Je n'ai publié aucun article depuis octobre... mais j'ai pourtant beaucoup
travaillé, presque tous les jours après le travail j'ai sculpté, découpé,
Ouverture de la Boutique ETSY !!!
Et voilà...
Nous avons le plaisir d'annoncer l'ouverture de notre Boutique Etsy !!!
Vous y trouverez un choix de meubles et accessoires miniatures disponib...
relief carving
Here's a few pictures of a carving I did last autumn. I received a request
of a wonderful company that still uses an ancient technique to create
Hello! :)
Oh, my! I cannot believe how long it has been since my last post. Twas
never my intention to just walk away, but, it is what it is.
So much has happened ...
Geschafft :-)
*Nach vielen vielen erfolglosen Versuchen, ich bin froh, wieder in meinem
Blog zu posten zu können! Nun möchte ich meinen Blog Freunde hallo sagen!
Ich hab...
I like to start the new year with a new plant in my collection. The
wisteria is something which I wanted to do for quiet some time now. I now
finished it a...
Fairy Houses
*I am desperately trying to buck-up* and get some other projects done
before the LoLa Art Crawl next month! Money is a little tight (because I am
a broke...
Head's up!!
I missed my yearly Halloween post, so, in lieu of that, I'm showing you
guys some other weirdness! First pic is a big produce head order. They're
all lined...
1908 Miniature Underwood Typewriter
I received a nice bonus this year, so I decided to spoil myself a little.
For some time now, I've had my eye on this 1908 Miniature Underwood
Typewriter b...
The winner of my giveaway is:
Grace (treefeathers).
Congratulations! Would you email me your address so I can send the giveaway
to you?
Thank you all f...
What a great find Catherine. I've watched it twice! Excellent.
ReplyDeleteAnyone that loves this sort of architecture will like it. I just wanted to fly slower. I got dizzy. :-) I wanted stop to look at buildings I liked.
ReplyDeleteWhat a flight! Thank you for sharing this!
Wow, that was great! Thanks Catherine! Did you visit their blog yet? They show a lot of interesting things on there!
ReplyDeleteNo, I have not gone there but I will.. Thank you for pointing that out.
DeleteWeee --that was fun! I want to live there.
ReplyDeleteMe too. Only I want a bathtub with hot running water.
DeleteThanks for posting Catherine, I thoroughly enjoyed it! I passed it on to my Husband who loves London history and he enjoyed it as well. So clever and very interesting to read the blog too.
ReplyDeleteFi xx
I am glad you like it Fi. It would be such fun to be able to see places like they were. Not to mention fly.
ReplyDeleteWhen I see these sorts of houses I can't help thinking of York. A lot of the buildings from the 17c onwards still exist and it's amazing to see. I would love to be able to experience living in those times...but with hot running water and a flushing toilet =0/ Thanks for posting =0)
ReplyDeleteI must visit York someday. I love these buildings. I agree... I cannot do without my porcelain facilities either! haha
DeleteBeautiful. There are traces of old London if you know where to look, but sadly, few half-timbered buildings have survived.
ReplyDeleteYes that is sad. I wish there were more.
DeleteWhat a great find, it was a lovely flight there, but it also went a bit too quick for me. I really wanted to see the houses/city better and unfortunately that was not possible, but it is a great video. Thank you for sharing, Catherine!
ReplyDeleteI am glad you enjoyed it.
DeleteCela peut donner de très bonnes idée en miniature mais je trouve les images trop "virtuelles" comme dans un jeu vidéo .Il y a quelques semaines , j'ai regardé un film "Oliver twist" et l'on voyait le vieux Londres et cela donnait de trèssbelles images du vieux Londres avec ses ruelles sales sombres et les maison en colombages. J'espère que tu me comprendras avec ton traducteur .Bonne nuit
DeleteJe vous comprends très bien. Ce n'était pas censé être autre chose alors un bit d'animation de plaisir. :-)
Thank you Catherine that was fun! I got a little dizzy too but it was very interesting :)
ReplyDeleteIt's amazing how virtual reality (and the genius of man) (and imagination) will allow us to travel through time and space.
ReplyDeleteThanks fro sharing :-)
I love it too :-)
Wow, that's amazing, what a talented team! I like the little details of the flies and the falling leaves - and I'm really glad to have been able to see it but not smell it (if you know what I mean!).
ReplyDeleteI love this little video! and I really like the melodious background music very Celtic sounding! I used to have 'flying' dreams so this arial adventure reminded me of when I have my 'Superpowers' when I'm asleep! :D
ReplyDeleteLove the building details!