Friday, November 21, 2014

11/21/14 Petit Point Carpet Progress.

 If you click on the photo the weird lines will go away..

I am a little behind where I had planned to be by now. I had another week away from stitching. It was because of the strangest cold I think I have ever had. I just couldn't keep my eyes open. Even when I wasn't tired.Other then that there were hardly any other symptoms.

I am not looking forward to stitching the wider border on this carpet. Every time I look at it, it makes me dizzy. Oh well... I think it will take another couple of weeks before I have to worry about it.


  1. Catherine, that carpet is stunning. You have done such an incredible job on it. I love the colors of the thread you have chosen. You have managed to make this look like an antique rug. Patty

    1. Those threads are Gentle Arts and they are variegated. These are the threads Catherine S. (who designed the rug) recommended.

      Using them can be tricky. If you want a smooth transition you have to pay attention to the color on each thread. It can go from dark to light in a half an inch.

      Thank you Patty! I hope you will return to posting in your blog some time soon.

  2. Ooooh, it's simply delicious! This would take anyone else a couple of years!

    I had that weird virus, sleeping 24/7, run over by a truck feeling. Can't get creative since.

    1. I am sorry to hear you got it too.

      Luckily I don't have to be creative while stitching this rug. Other then controlling the colors.

      Thank you Susan.

  3. This carpet is just stunning. so much work in it. Look forward to seeing the next project report.

    1. Thank you! I think it will be finished before too much longer.

  4. Oh is exquisite!!!! You are making a wonderful heirloom. I think your 'cold thingy' was sent to you to make you rest your eyes....? I love how you work, you remain focused on this item alone until it will be completed.....I think a lot of us should take a lesson from you on this.

    1. Thank you Linda!

      It is fun to take it off the frame to photograph because otherwise I can't see most of it now.

      I think I re-started this one in the middle of August. I wanted it finished in 6 months. Barring any other bumps in the road... I think it will be. Next time I am going to design something of my own.

  5. I like what I see so far and I hope you r feel in better

    Hugs Marisa

  6. Thank you Marisa.

    I do feel better! Just a bit of sneezing now.

  7. Just gorgeous! I know the huge amount of time you invest each day, so worth every minute.

    1. Thank you Linda! no one is faster then anyone else at petit point. It still takes the same number of hours for each different design. Unless you spend most of your time frogging like me. haha

  8. Catherine, admiro todos y cada uno de tus trabajos, tu petit point es maravilloso y esta alfombra un lujo, no me extraña que te entren mareos, ver esas puntadas no es fácil, a mi me parece un trabajo impresionante.
    Cuidate mucho, seguro que no tienes nada importante.
    Un abrazo

    1. Gracias Maite.

      No he llegado a la parte que me hace sentir mareado todavía. Esa es la frontera más amplia que va alrededor de la alfombra.

  9. Ce tapis est une merveille. Quelle minutie et quelle patience, bravo Catherine et bon courage pour l'avenir.

  10. Je suis réellement impressionnée par une telle rapidité! La bordure risque de prendre un peu plus de temps effectivement. J'étais très contente d'avoir commencé par la bordure car le reste m'avait semblé beaucoup plus facile! On peut aussi penser qu'après avoir brodé tout le milieu, on est mieux entrainée pour aborder le tour...
    Bonne broderie!

    1. Nathalie,
      Je ne pouvais pas commencé avec la frontière. Il m'a fait peur! Ceci est ma première pièce, je devais moi-même assez de mal à enseigner à partir du milieu du tapis. Je regarde encore cette frontière et me demande si je peux le faire.
      Voilà une des raisons pour lesquelles je vous appelle un survivant tante Olga. Je suis tellement impressionné par le vôtre. Je l'espère, je peux passer à travers moi.
      Merci pour votre aimable commentaire.

  11. Replies
    1. Gracias. Son un montón de trabajo, pero vale la pena, creo. ;-)

  12. Stunningly beautiful! The colours are all perfect, very antique, the design is just gorgeous. I really love that black detailing too. Perfect.

  13. Thank you Sarah. I really hoped it would look like an old carpet. The color you thought was black, is really a very dark navy blue. :-)

  14. That is nothing short of amazing Catherine. Maybe you need a longer break from it. I had an unusual cold this last winter, turned into bronchitis which I have never had before and I too had to sleep it off pretty well. It took a good two weeks to feel back to normal.

    1. Thank you Margaret.

      I haven't gotten to the point I need a break yet. Though that border is looming in my future!

      Ooooh bronchitis is awful! I have had it. You were lucky to get over it in two weeks.

  15. Simply incredible! Well done Catherine. I hope you are over cold - don't strain your yes!

    1. Thank you Simon.

      I am looking forward to seeing what you are doing.

  16. I hope you feel better soon! Your stitching is just Pure Fantastic! This carpet is my favorite by far of any I have seen in blogland! Your progress looks Amazing to me!

  17. Thank you!

    As soon as I saw Catherine S. design for this carpet I knew I wanted to stitch it.

  18. This carpet is just about the loveliest thing I have ever seen. I am amazed at your fortitude and well, eye sight!

    1. Thank you!!!
      I am getting close to finishing the main interior square. Then all that will be left to stitch are the 3 borders. The wider one scares me! haha

  19. An amazing piece of work, Catherine!
