There is still a bit of wrapping to do. Like this beautiful sweater and cap that was hand knit by Sharon Vries.
I am afraid I have not had the chance to make the sort of ornaments I wanted to this year, except for a snowman. The others are very old ones I have had for (gasp) many years. They are all on straight wires of various lengths, that have hooks on the ends. Which is great because it means I can pull them all off and change the ornaments as new ones are made. I think I would like to move away from the traditional red and green next year.
BTW...I am very pleased with the string of 26 LED chip lights I used on the tree, made by They are a bit fiddly to put on the tree but I remember the old style being rather time consuming too.

I am waiting for a drill bit to come in the mail which is all that is keeping me from finishing that 'certain promised something'. It will be my next post.
May your days be merry and bright...Happy Christmas!