Oh how I used to LOVE walking into Crabtree & Evelyn! That was before they changed all the packaging!
I didn't care what the product was or the scent if I loved the box it came in! I loved the tins that had powders in them. Bath salts, soaps, beautiful tins of biscuits. It was all about the images for me they could have sold them all to me empty in the mid 1980's. Next door was Laura Ashley. Also something that I loved before Laura passed away.
So in memory of that.... When I found this Crabtree & Evelyn kit in 1: 12 scale I bought it. They had all of the fragrances to choose from in miniature. When the kit arrived I wasn't too impressed but as I started putting it together I thought all these items would look great in the bathroom cabinet I am working on. That will contain linens, bowls of soaps and filled glass apothecary jars.
I still miss the old Crabtree & Evelyn look.
By email request...I have been asked to restore this link for the monograms... http://www.etsy.com/shop/Yebisu?ref=seller_info